Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Poor Sick Baby

Linc woke up from his nap on Tuesday with a fever. He acted okay so I just gave him some Tylenol and we went about our day. He did take an extra nap. That night around 2 or 3 a.m. he woke up crying and was burning up. I gave him some motrin and was with him for most of the night. He was kinda fussy and not wanting his bottle and just overall not happy. He would cry off and on and then cried for a while. I had to say a prayer because it was breaking my heart to see him so sad. I definitely know that prayers are answered because Dave walked in the room about 20 minutes later, which was probably around 4am and Linc went straight to him and settled right down. We took him to our bed (second try that night) and he looked out the window for a couple minutes, saw his bottle that he had been pushing away for about 2 hours and gladly started to drink it. His fever broke and he started to sweat and then he was asleep in no time. The next morning we went downstairs and he gave his daddy a big hug! I thought it was the sweetest thing so I grabbed the camera to capture the sweet moment.

I love what Elder Utchdorf said, "giving up sleep for a little one is a good sacrifice". There are no better moments than when you can hold you baby and comfort them, whether it is a 3 in the morning or all day long. I would much rather get nothing done and be there to comfort my little boy. Everything else can wait! He has been so sweet and cuddly. He will play a little and then crawl back to me and just want to be held for a while. He is doing a lot better although still cuddly and sensitive, which I won't complain about one bit. I absolutely love Linc with all my heart!

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