Some days Linc thinks he is a lot older than he really is, like this particular day when he tried to read his dad's ABA Lawyer magazine. He was really quiet so I went to check on him. I think the magazine entertained him for about 15 minutes and he didn't rip it or bite it...just flipped through the pages.
Lincoln's newest impressive move: folding his arms for prayers! I have been trying and trying to get Linc to fold his arms. He would stiffen up his arms each time, so I just let it go. Then this past week when we were saying our breakfast prayers I peeked up at him and his arms were folded and his head was down! I was amazed and totally shocked!! I kept peeking up at him and he would do it off and on. At lunch I asked him to fold his arms and he did it! Ever since he will do it when we ask. I guess our example has paid off and we are so proud of our little reverent (and even if his arms aren't folded the entire time, he stays quiet for prayers).
Strong man Linc...he brought me this bin with his blocks so that I could open it for him. Sometimes he will come up to me and grab my hand or pants (or shirt if I am sitting on the ground) and pull me over to where he wants me to go, but this time he brought the toys to me!
Lincoln has become somewhat of a messy eater, although it is more when he is finished and doesn't want any more. He will throw his food down on the floor or squeeze it at tight as he can and then of course it gets all over his face and his hair! I don't mind cleaning up the mess and actually sometimes I think he throws it down on purpose so that when he gets out of his highchair he will have a snack. It's not unusual for me to take Linc out of his chair and for him to go straight to the food and start eating times! This is the inspiration for what will soon be my new wall quote that will go right above his highchair: We no longer make messes, we make memories...
Lincoln got a special package in the mail from his grandparents Wayt. It was a Valentine's day surprise. One of the things was a monkey that has velcro on its hands so it can give hugs...we now velcro it around Linc so he is constantly getting monkey hugs. He usually will just pull it off and carry him around, but he does give the little guy kisses!
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