Linc has the best sense of humor...he loves to laugh and is always making silly faces or noises.
He loves taking walks on warmer days and by warmer I mean like 30 degrees or above.
One day it was really nice and Dave came home for lunch. We went to a park and played a little frisbee golf...I am horrible! We also walked around and let Linc play on the playground. He found a few friends to play with and enjoyed his time so much that he did not really want to leave. One of the little boys (who was 3 1/2) wanted to play tag with Linc. He looked at Linc and said "come and get me" and then slowly started running away. Linc caught on quickly and started chasing after the little boy. It was fun for the boy and Linc, but especially entertaining for the parents to watch.
He absolutely loves his books! He will spend, probably a couple hours total throughout the day pulling out the books and flipping the pages. He even brings me some to read to him. Right now his favorites are the ones that are books about colors and the ones that are touch and feel books. He enjoys all the pictures and when he sees a dog or food he makes his noise/word for those things.
On a trip to the library, Linc was helping me pick out some books. He saw a girl (probably around 7 or 8) who was sitting by the reading carpet and rocking on a rocker. He grabbed one of his books, walked over to her and held it out to her. She asked if he wanted her to read it to him and grabbed it from his hand. Linc took a seat on the carpet in front of her and sat and listened to her read the book. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Linc has been doing this super cute thing where if you ask him, "Linc can you smile?" he will give you the cutest smile and sometimes a silly smile. Here are some of those times...
Lincoln is pretty safe when it comes to exploring. He loves to climb on the couch and I love the way he gets down...I think its just because he is so small and when he climbs down he stretches his legs and points his toes so that he can safely feel the floor. He tends to test things out and not jump right into them, but there was one time that he reached over the side of the couch and took a happens right. He didn't get hurt, just scared.
Some of you might remember when Linc was sick this past month, it only lasted a few days and wasn't too bad, but it was still sad. We came home from the store and I put him in the living room. I put on his your baby can read dvd and a few minutes later Dave found him on the couch lying on some pillows. He just stayed there and didn't really move. It was really cute and really sad.
Linc is a lovable and cuddly little guy. To this day he still loves giving kisses...even to his toys. He will randomly come up to us and give kisses, he gives them on your head, mouth or anywhere on your face really. As his mom, I never mind getting a wet kiss from him.
He has enjoyed playing with his new basketball hoop that his grandparents Wayt got him. Not only does he love to put all of his balls in the hoop, but he puts all of his toys in there too! He is now very familiar with the ball and hoop and when we went to a law school activity with Dave he found a big ball and tried to put that one in the hoop, but both Linc and mommy were to short for that. He just picked it up, carried it all over, rolled it around, bounced it up and down and by the end of the night he was red in the face and breathing heavy from such a hard workout!
Here are just a few cool things Linc has learned that impress us:
*He can identify his head, ears, mouth, nose, feet, and toes.
*He can tell us when he is hungry or wants to go to bed.
*He can make his own dog sound that he will do if he sees a stuffed animal, picture or actual dog.
*When asked, he will go find his toothbrush and brush his teeth.
*He sometimes will grab his coat and bring it to me if he wants to go outside.
*He will fold his arms for prayers and if you ask him to fold his arms he will do it.
*When he is in his crib at bedtime and he is jumping around I will ask him to lay down and he will quickly obey.
*He is not afraid to try new foods. The other day he ate some of his parents' cucumber with chili and lime and kept wanting more!
*If I ask him to get things (such as:shoes, books, blocks, toothbrush, ball, and a few others) he will go and get them, even if they are in the other room.
There is so much that Linc does or is learning to do. It is hard to keep up. We are so grateful to have such a pleasant and wonderful son and are very excited for his little brother or sister that is on the way! That is going to keep me super busy, trying to blog about two kids when I barely have the time to blog about one! Well, it has to be done!!
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